Beebe). I use the excuse of attacking his self-esteem because if I feel like he is trying to speak down on me because he is upper in age. He is only older than me by 4 years old. He sometimes feel like he know everything and I don’t know how to back down from it. I know majority of the time the things that he is telling me is for my good and it’s not to hurt me. When I find him getting on me he states that he know I am better than the choices that I am making I just need to call down sometimes and listen to what he is telling me. I know majority of the times when I feel like I have to go back and fourth with him I should just be quiet and not let my ego get in the way of thinking he don’t know what he is talking about. That make things bad on my part by me letting my ego get in the way of what can eventually help me in the long run. Another theory to manage conflict triggers would be the avoidance management style. The avoidance management style involves backing off and trying to side-step conflict (Steven A. Beebe). This one is a really struggle for me, which I have been trying my hardest to work on. In a lot of situations I need to find ways to go about avoiding rebuttals …show more content…
There are numerous ways to avoid conflict triggers as stated above. By sitting down and having to do this essay I’ve learn a lot about myself. I learn when to avoid situations and when there is times to say something to my significant other. I shouldn’t be tearing him down when he is low. i should be encouraging him in any way I can. Learning these different types of communications skills will only make our marriage better. These are terms and even the book I can share with him to read so he can see some of the things that I have learn so we both can enhanced our communication skills. The main course of action for me would be to step away, calm down, and not let my ego get in the way. Allowing him to finish speaking, listening to what he is saying before cutting him off, and keeping a cool calmness about myself will always take the majority of stress in a conflict out and allow both of us to have a successful relationship and