Owning up to my feelings is always my biggest weakness. In chapter 4, owning feelings is projected in two different ownerships, ineffective ownership and effective ownership. Ineffective ownership is not as direct as effective ownership. Effective ownership expresses more about what your feelings are the way they are, what caused the feeling. Ineffective ownership does not explain why the feeling is that way, being more indirect (Lane, 107). I recently went to the mall with some new girl friends at met at my UCCS freshman orientation. I had told my boyfriend that I was at the mall, that I would not have good service to reach him. After about shopping for about two hours, we headed to the food court. When my phone starts to blow up, my boyfriend being super unconfident, thinking I was with someone else. At times he usually thinks that I am playing with his emotions but I never do, he just overthinks too much, especially when I do not communicate to him when I really am not able to. I had to own up to my feelings by using effective ownership to approach this situation. Telling him that I did not like when he thinks I am with other guys or he thinks I am playing with his emotions because I do not. With being straight up with my boyfriend about this situation he understood me and respected my space although I had to open up and tell him everything that was wrong, it actually made the situation a lot better. Another time I owned up to my feelings was when I recently made the choice to move to study in Canada for a semester. My family and friends being super happy about me getting this amazing opportunity, my but boyfriend is upset about it. Understanding the reason why he is upset, I still owned up to my feelings and told him I was still going to go. After listening to me, he told me he did not want to hold me back from anything, that he would be happy with whatever choice I would make. Chapter 7 mentions the different conversation communication styles. …show more content…
The conversational dilemmas stood out the most to me, especially impression management. Impression management is how all my conversations go with guests at work. In chapter 7, impression management is associated with apologies, excuses, explanations, and reassurances (Lane, 200). Impression management impacts my life daily during work. At work I usually have guests asking me for items that we have out of stock, or we simply do not carry the item. Using impression management I communicate with apologies and explanations on why the items is not here and most of the time they are very understanding, and do not even blame me. Another time when I experienced Impression management was when another team member at guest service was having such a really bad. She was telling me all about how a guest was getting super rude with her. Again, using impression management I apologized to her about it and tried to help her overcome her sadness with helping her out in the area for the day. Chapter 10 defines self-disclosure as an act of willingly sharing …show more content…
Owning up to my feelings has helped me be very respectful of myself and true to my thoughts. Communicating with self-management has not only helped me with work questions but everyday occurrences anywhere in my daily life. Communicating with self-disclosure has helped my boyfriend and I build a very strong relationship, being able to help one another. It has also helps me on the daily when communicating whether it is face-to-face or on social media. On a daily basis I use all of these communication concepts to get across to