In this case, Til Gurung, a former refugee, helps fellow refugees settle as described in this excerpt of his speech. He states, “I help my community access important services and make a successful transition into their lives in the United States. For example… how to use the bus…” (Gurung). There are services, like Refugee Transitions, that have people like Til Gurung in the community helping them adapt to the culture of the and understand. Likewise, Ha has started to make relationships in the class and you see that in this scene where her friends say to a bully, “What do I care what you wear? SSsi-Ti-Van says, It looks like adress to me,”(Lai 244). Ha friends are standing up for her making her more confident to do it herself. Lastly, kids are teasing her for her old religion, but she has a plan. Ha let them “...repeat hundreds of Boo-Das. Enough time for me to turn and yell Gee-sus, Gee-sus,”(Lai 219). Ha is not letting a neighborhood bully change her. She is learning that she doesn’t need acceptance from everyone in the community if they don’t like her for who she is. Resettling to a new place is easier when everyone around these refugee is supportive, but sometimes that takes …show more content…
There are many factors to an refugee fitting in, but being accepted in the people around them in a huge part of that. In the society, Ha and her family went through struggles just like people in the real world. They were inside out but the if the community around does accept them then they can come back again and put their life together again. Many refugees have had problems and being welcomed by the community is a big one, but if someone would be willing to be there for them it makes it easier to