Informative Speech Outline On Antibiotics

Improved Essays
I. Introduction
1. Attention Getter: “Fungi are the interface organisms between life and death” by Paul Stamets
2. Relation: How many of you used antibiotic during your life time?
3. Thesis: For many years the human population has benefited from antibiotics; however is still many are not education on antibiotics.
4. Preview: Today I inform you about the following information: History of antibiotics, how antibiotics are being used in the U.S, and the effects of over using.
Transition: I will begin by giving some background on antibiotics.
II. Body
1. First Main Point the uses of antibiotics started in the 1940s.
2. Sub point: In the late 19th century, scientist by the name of Luis Pasteur and Robert Koch are responsible for confirming
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Second Main Point: [Refer to graph] here is a pie diagram in relation to the uses of antibiotic in the United States.
2. Sub point: According to “Keep Antibiotics Working, Factsheet: Antibiotic Resistance and Animal Agriculture n.d [2007]” as soon on the pie graph only 9% of antibiotic medicine is used to treat people in the us.
3. Sub point: According to “Keep Antibiotics Working, Factsheet: Antibiotic Resistance and Animal Agriculture n.d [2007]” 70% or the majority of the antibiotics is currently being use on non-therapeutic measures such as live stock to promote growth. (like cows and chicken)
4. Transition: lastly I want to inform you about the overuse of antibiotics.
Third Main Point: There can by many negative effects of over using antibiotics.
1. Sub point: In the past few decades studies have shown that Antibiotics have been increasingly less effective when treating staph infection or also known as MRSA.

[show pic of MRSA]

2. Sub point: According to Aslantaş, Ö., & Demir, C. (2016). “Investigation of the antibiotic resistance and biofilm-forming ability of Staphylococcus aureus from subclinical bovine mastitis cases” they point out, “ In our study, Staph. aureus isolates showed higher rate of resistance to penicillin (45.5%)”

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