Sarah’s overall development needs referral for further evaluation. Sarah is a smiling happy infant, who makes eye contact, and babbles responding to the adults. Sarah’s gross motor development is at-risk, as of evidence she has not transferred objects from hand to hand, she also has not started rolling from her stomach to back and back to stomach. She has not yet developed sitting unsupported yet, and having her legs support her whole weight as she stands up. Her fine motor development is on-target as she can grasp objects dangling in front of her and finds partially hidden objects. Sarah’s language is on target, in evidence she just need to work on her responding to spoken “bye-bye” by waving and her syllable repetition beginning. Sarah is socially-emotionally on-target as she enjoys to play in social play, she can calm down with ½ hour when upset, and she stays interested in mirror images. Her cognitive development is on target as in she likes to play peek-a-boo, explores with hands and mouth, and tracks moving objects with ease. Sarah needs referral regarding her not yet rolling over to stomach to back by 6 months, this was a red flag for her. Toddler Developmental Summary for Joanna Joanna’s overall development is on-target. Joanna is participating actively with her peers and she uses 2-3 words sentences during the observation. Joanna climbed the shelving on five different occasions within 1-hour. Joanna gross motor development is on-target, as in evidence she walks down stairs alone, placing both feet on each step, swings leg to kick kickball, and runs easily. Joanna fine motor development is on-target, as in evidence she makes vertical, horizontal, circular strokes with pencil or crayon during the observation. She turns book pages on at a time. Her language needs referral for further evaluation due to the evidence, her not using pronouns, can say name, age, and sex. Her cognitive development needs referral for further evaluation, she is not yet sorting objects by color and understanding the concept of “two”. Joanna’s self-help skills are on-target, as of her being able to pull pants down with help and helping put things away. Joanna is on-target …show more content…
Frank plays outside with his peers, he ran up and down the slide, and he sat on the tricycle. He moved the tricycle by “walking”. Frank’s gross motor development is at-risk, in evidence of him not yet being able to go upstairs and downstairs without support and, moves forward and backward. Frank needs referral regarding his gross motor development, as in not yet being able to grasp a crayon between thumb and fingers. His fine motor development is at-risk, in him not yet copying square shapes, draws circles and squares, and beginning to copy some capital letters. Frank will need referral regarding his fine gross development as in, not yet copying a circle. Frank’s language is on-target, as he is able to understand the concepts of “same” and “different” and asking questions in class. His cognitive development is on-target with him correctly naming some colors and understanding the causality (“I can make things happen”). Frank’s self-helping skills are on-target as in evidence. He can feed his self with a spoon without spilling, and can do simple household tasks (set the table). He is on-target socially-emotionally in evidence of frank, interested in new experiences and more