This is similar of the Christian belief that humans are good. An example to prove this point would be When God calls His people “good” in the bible. The difference is that the Marxist view of Human beings is more materialistic and there is no spirituality to man at all (Marsh). The Christian view of Human beings is that each and every individual has a soul and is made in God’s image. Because we are made in God’s image we are called “good” and have the capability to do “good”. Marxists believe that humans are only judges as “good” based on their works. Marxism also makes the Human image seem more inflated and powerful than it really is. The Christian view of human beings is that they are reliant on God every second of every day whether they know it or not. Marxism blows up the minor abilities of humans compared to anything else in existence and makes the human image looked empowered and self-governed, like there is no need for any other authority of over humans; there is the idea that humans already know what to do in every situation in their lives, so there is no need for any guidance from anything or …show more content…
Today’s society, and its level of peace, is heavily affected by the economic activity that is occurring. Many times there is violence such as protests. While many people actively participate in these protests, many people also turn away and do everything they can to stop the fighting and bring in peace. Most who have this ambition believe that the only way to achieve it is through the adoption of a Marxist life. A Marxist life would decrease the size of the government and the amount of power that it has. This would ultimately decrease the amount of violence, fighting, negativity, as well as social separation in our country