To begin with, mass killings have been done by a small number of people who have killer intentions. The cause is not the availability of firearms because different weapons are used to harm innocent people every day. Not everyone who owns a gun will use it unless there is a legitimate reason to. Increasing gun control legislation will not stop killers …show more content…
There has been a significant increase in mass shootings and terrorism. In particular, on June 12, 2016, in Orlando, Florida, Omar Mateen, a security guard shot and killed 49 people and wounded at least 53 in the gay nightclub ‘Pulse’. Mateen took over 30 hostages and not a single one had a weapon. Clearly, more vigilance is needed for people to defend themselves and family against murderers and even their own government. To illustrate, what “If the five branches of the US military were beaten by, say, a nuclear holocaust, the only national defense left would be the civilians themselves” (FlameHorse 2013). National defense is not entirely reliable, for it can become corrupted with possibilities of a tyrannical government or overrun by foreign or domestic military power. In simpler terms when there is no one else left to fight the people, they will have to fend for themselves. More gun control means giving the government more freedom over one’s