Women are blamed for putting her family at risk, and they have a successful career. But, when men are in the same situation, society is more understandable, and they excuse him with the idea that he is at work achieving things to give her family a more secure socioeconomic status. Analyzing both scenarios we can conclude that for men there is always an explanation and justification but not a consequence of their actions. Hispanic society, machismo is justification for men have the privileges and the reason for being above women. In the article Gender segregation and cultural constructions of sexuality in two Hispanic societies written by Taggart, he explains how the simply gender norm can translate to gender …show more content…
However, with that time that term has only applied to men that had been successful in there understood of men. The word machismo is now days is a not just gender segregation against women, but lately, this word is representing the social pressure that had arrived between men. Since the first date, I had with my boyfriend I wasn't expecting for him to pay the whole bill. I was ready to share the bill without question. The reaction that I had from my boyfriend and friends after the episode was disturbed. My boyfriend had a concern about what had happened, and he told me that was the first time that he experience such a situation. He said me that in every first date that he had been, the girls had never offered to split the bill instead they are always ready to see him pay. I explained to him that in my opinion I think is not fair to put all the pressure on him. If we both are having fun, then both should contribute mutually. My thought behind this event is that women are trying to have equality between gender, but they are things such a pay a meal that they are always expecting a man to do it. So here is my disturbance why we are asking for equal treatment when in a small thing like paying a meal we see like action that a man should do. It's true that there is gender segregation that affects women in more of the cases. However, men have been affecting those inequalities. The competition