Some individual has the luxury of having a job that offers benefits such as healthcare, while others have jobs that constantly put them at risk for diseases, infections, and possible accidents. Many also have the luxury of knowing that they will be …show more content…
Those that rely on these dumps for their income wow they do not have the money necessary to afford daily expenses and the necessary requirements to sustain life.
A solution to prevent the toxic fumes and chemicals from lingering in the air has been proposed, the idea is to “incarcerate the waste to produce energy” (Clarke, 2016). This new idea would produce energy from the burning of garbage which would benefit the country, it would also lessen the amount of garbage in the dump as well as all the chemicals that are produced from the decomposing garbage. However, the issues become between deciding what is more important, ‘rag pickers’ keeping their job or quickly disposing of toxic and dangerous waste. If ‘rag pickers’ are to keep their job, they should be given protective gear to keep them safe. “as sickening as the dumpsite work ism it has provided a squalid but basic income for thousands of children and families” (Clarke,