In Cold Blood Dialectical Journal

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I was shaken awake by my commanding officer John to the gentle hum of the helicopter rotors. "Ready to jump Bill?", he said. Almost instinctively I strapped on a parachute and checked my gear. "We have one chance to do this, so make it count," John said, as the Bay door swung open. As I jumped out of the helicopter I felt adrenaline coursing through my veins and the sting of the cold, siberian air on my face. We were sent here to steal key intelligence about a powerful russian militia. I landed on the ground with a thud and loaded my weapons. "Get in, get out, and don't fire on the workers unless absolutely necessary," John shouted over the roar of the wind. We slowly made our way to room 3B where the intel was located,only to find the …show more content…
Without thinking, I turned and sprinted faster than I ever had before, my squad members close behind. Trying to ignore John's screams of anguish, I continued down the path we had originally come down. As we were nearing the exit, I saw the creature pounce on, and proceed to tear one of my colleagues to pieces before my eyes. This can't be real, I told myself as I burst into the frigid night through the door we had originally come through. "This is Squad 32, Requesting immediate evacuation, over" I shouted into my radio. But It was pointless , we were hundreds of miles away from any military base. At this point we only had two options. Try to survive in the siberian wilderness at temperatures below zero, or take our lives. "We're not giving up, we can survive," I told the remaining two members of my squad. Without speaking, everyone agreed and began to look for firewood a sustainable source of food or water, which was almost impossible to find in the dead of night. After an hour with no success, we realized that if we didn't do something we'd all freeze to death soon. "There's an old helicopter hangar over that way," one of my colleagues remembered, pointing south. "If we can make it there," he continued, "We should be able to take one and get out of here. Silently, we made our way around the building where two of our close friends had lost their lives just hours earlier, and approached the …show more content…
There was a loud noise, and the door broke open. Seeing all of the spotless helicopters, likely never used, made me feel like, to coin a phrase, a kid in a candy store. Before anyone could utter a word, a deafening roar filled the room; That... thing was back. We lunged toward the nearest helicoper and flooded in. I began to start the engine, only to realize one of my squad members wasn't here. I spotted him running towards our helicopter, the nightmarish creature right on his heels. I helplessly watched as another one of my squad members, and a brave man, was crushed to death by something that could only hate, only felt the need to kill. Looking away, I pulled the throttle down, and the helicopter flew into the air. As we were flying, the realization hit me like punch to the gut. Even if we did make it back alive, nobody would believe us. We'd be convicted of murder and put into an insane asylum or worse. There was no point in going back, but we had nowhere to

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