A wise man once said, “If you always do the right thing, than there is nothing you should ever feel guilty about”- Lou Fohn. A virtuous person has looked at their own life through a magnifying glass and has changed, or added on to what needs to be done to fix their own life. After fixing themselves then they are able to give advice or give help to someone who asks or in need. Being virtuous isn’t just being a kind and gentle person. One needs to get their hands dirty as well to be virtuous. Life isn’t easy, nothing is good is just given. Virtue comes from someone taking time to master how to be good, gentle, and kind. They also show others how to overcome the bad to do the good and to pave a path towards a good life that others can stand up and run that path to becoming someone who does the right thing every minute of their …show more content…
“The way we communicate with people has a significant effect on their opinion of us. It’s not just what we say, but about how we say it” (Roth 127). That means basic ideas, phrases, and actions one can take to try and improve their life. An instructor is walking in to class with arms full of books and the other holding a cup of coffee. This instructor just gave a student an “F” on an assignment the day before for not having the right format, nothing was wrong for the words in the paper. Wanting to improve their life the student sets back what happened the day before and holds the door for that instructor. This simple task put warmth into that instructor’s heart, and has now established in the back of their head that students name and face. Courtesy is another key to life and it goes along with the “golden rule”. If one isn’t religious it doesn’t matter this rule is a good value to mirror one’s own life. The rule says to treat others the way others should treat you. This can go a long way, if one is having a bad day, woke up late, spilled their coffee on their way out the door then they would probably appreciate a kind gesture to assist them, and same goes if the helper is having a bad day they would appreciate some help. Courtesy goes a long way in life, if one is courteous to others, others will be courteous to