Human Rights are fundamental legal entitlement. They are rights and benefits granted by law to all human beings despite gender, socioeconomic status, nationality, geographical location, cultural background, language or any other status (, 2017 ).They are based upon moral guidelines in order to recognise and respect people's dignity (Human Rights Commission,2017). Human rights support the fact that all persons are entitled to their human rights without discrimination, and are endorsed in the form of treaties, customary international law, general principles and other sources of international law (, 2017).
Trade Unionism and Labour Rights are subcategories of human rights. Labour rights are are involved with negotiating the pay of workers, benefits and safe working conditions. During the industrial revolution labourers were faced with terrible working conditions, and thus the Trade Unionism was first introduced to protect Labour Rights. Trade unions are extremely important as they allow workers to gain a much stronger voice, helping to ensure they are protected by their human rights and increasing equality. The Ombudsman was introduced as an independent statutory office which is commonly used by Australians in order to clarify their rights. Universal Suffrage, generally is the concept that all persons above the age of 18 have the right to vote in political elections.This is a very recent development in the world and wherever it has been introduced is now considered an essential human right. This right is protected in the UDHR and in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Firstly, in the 19th century there was a demand for male suffrage in world democracies, before tension arose about granting voting rights to women and the Suffragettes arose. To this day, still not all nations have introduced universal suffrage. Universal Education refers to the concept that all persons have the right to an education regardless of their personal circumstances. This is the right for free and professional education for all, and in present times this is only upheld in developed nations. However, it is still currently an issue in developing nations as they cannot sustain education as a result of vast demands of daily life. Initially, pressures surfaced on the push for universal education in the 19th century and by the 20th century it was seen …show more content…
It is a fundamental principle in contemporary international law and is protected by Article 1 of the ICCPR and ICESCR. Its secures the state sovereignty of each nation state. With this protection in place the equality of each nation state is theoretically proposed. The right to self- determination refers to that of a people. For example, the topic of self-determination has led to much debate in Australia since 2003. An issue particularly targeted under the the topic of self determination is the ASTI group ( Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders). Many ATSI people feel they have the right to govern themselves independently from non-ATSI Australians and this is because of the vague phrasing regarding the word “people” in the ICCPR. It's argued that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989 set out self-determination or at least the path towards it because of the set funds for the welfare of ATSI people. This debate, though not in the urgent topics in mainstream media, continues today. Self-determination is an issue both nationally and