First of all, exercise is an important health behavior to improve the health in general. In her article, “Take Your Mark. Get Set. Go. Here 's What You Need to Do to Get Fit,” Katherine Hobson, notes that JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women 's Hospital in Boston, says “Physical activity is healthful not only because it fends off excess pounds and builds muscle, thus lowering the risk of heart disease and many other ailments. Exercise also has clear independent effects, among them regulating hormone levels and tamping down bodily inflammation.”(web). Exercise does not benefit only the body, but also effectively help in the revitalization of intellectual abilities and prevention of many diseases like obesity and heart disease. Exercise important for mental health also. It helps to get rid of psychological distress. In addition, exercise support physical education. The practice of physical activity regularly is the most important thing in order to strengthen our health care. In his article, “Around the clock gains: whether you train morning, noon or night, what you eat-and what supps you take-during the day is critical for building new muscle and burning body fat. Here 's how to sync your training to your nutrition plan,” Jim Stoppani, asserts “Scientific research shows that the best time to train may be in the early evening, when the body tends to be …show more content…
One way to encourage our children to do the best is showing love and affection. In the article “Why do children need love and affection?” the author, notes that According to Mental Health America, stated “love and affection help children to feel secure regardless of accomplishments. This builds their confidence and self-esteem.”(web). The most important results that the research reached was that the best thing that we can do for our children is to give them love and affection. By doing that, the children are likely to have more successful futures. Parents want the best for their children. We need to direct our children to the right way so that we can attract them to our views and to persuade them to move toward success. This requires encouraging them to raise their aspirations and know how to deal with the society, their contribution to the development of society, and build health lives. One thing can not be denied is that education plays an important role in the lives of people. In addition to that education helps to get a tremendous amount of information in various field, it also help in gaining many experiences by interacting with the society. The good manners play an important role in social development and the development of personal relationships. Sports benefit health, but other benefits are promotes a healthy lifestyle. Parents