This has made a huge difference in how relaxed I am while preforming, even just in front of the class, and being relaxed and just letting the words flow is a great feat for me personally because that has always been something I have struggled. Being able to warm up has allowed my body to loosen and free up in order to get my body out of the way of itself. One of my favorite warm-ups that I have learned about so far in class is a tremor. It is fairly easy for me to create a tremor in my breath and body while we are in tremor specific poses and I have noticed this in my daily spoken words especially when I am upset or have a surprise breath different than my normal voice pattern. I can see how easily this special type of breath can add to the effect of the poems in others and this has carried over in to spoken text such as our …show more content…
Rehearsals are by far my favorite thing that we have done so far in class because a lot of the time students, myself included, will perform with a lot of needed improvement, but during a short amount with the right instruction of time there an actor can create a feeling in the audience that was not present during the first reading. This transformation is absolutely magical to watch and amazing to experience. During the classes that were instructed by our guest professor, Austin, who is an absolutely amazing actor and instructor we got the opportunity to dive into the poems for rehearsal. What made the experience with Austin so awesome is that instead of each one of us performing an being give the same, or even similar, critiques he let us perform and gave us each a completely different and unique critique that was individual to our specific poem. For one student he would have them do a lot of visual and imagery work while other he had others physically fighting one another to achieve an end goal at the other end of the room. After my first reading of my poem I was asked what the poem meant to me, and my personal thoughts toward the text. After explaining my thoughts the first thing he told me was that he thought that I was more passionate about this topic than I was letting on. This of course was constructive criticism, but it was also in my eyes a great compliment,