I soon realized that this is an outcome of racial discrimination. It is considered the worst from of racial discrimination because suppress the rights of employees. Most commonly, it happens mainly against black people working in minority among whites. The same I noticed in the organization employer was not only subjugating the rights of employees of particular race but was encouraging unhealthy environment in an organization. According to my experience, a racial discrimination is practiced by those people who carry a particular mindset which disallow an equal and neutral treatment to all employees beyond racial and ethnic differences. It has been generally seen that employees are racially discriminated by not providing them due promotions and benefits which they deserve. It completely based on an intention of an employer to suppress specific race. This attitude becomes more obvious and visible in a workplace when an employer intentionally subdues promotion of a deserving employee of black race. This was an embracing situation for me to work in an organization where people are discriminated on the basis of their …show more content…
Hence, it can be safely concluded that due to racial discrimination at the workplace employees often do not get their deserve rights and position. It is a well stated fact that organizations with an environment of racial discrimination never establish healthy working relationships among employees. In addition, with the help of acquired personal experience at workplace I came to know the adverse affects of racial discrimination. It has deep roots in the social structure and therefore it further creates social imbalances in the