As a nurse or healthcare worker, professionalism is one of the characteristics that must be at the center of our focus at all times. It must be present in every interaction with our colleagues and patients. Professionalism is important because it makes a difference in the way we express our compassion, empathy, and understanding. In this essay we will address how professionalism effects the healthcare environment as well as the way an individual approaches problem in their own life. According to (Brennan, Monson ) "The profession is expected to respond by placing the needs of the patient and society ahead of all other considerations". There are many standards in place today to ensure that our patients have the best possible clinical result. At first, these findings were only focused on teaching the correct way to handle patient situations. It allows the individual to develop a manor of professionalism through understanding and apply it to their work. The purpose is to promote professionalism in healthcare workers rather than trying to embroider it. This will stick with a person much longer then …show more content…
(Potter and Perry) I wasn 't clear on what this exactly meant, among starting nursing school. I thought this was another list of things the instructors were giving us that described a good nurse according to the author. As I have changed through the year I have found professionalism is necessary through all aspects of life. It could be dealing with ethical difficulty 's in the workplace, or going through trials and troubles in your personal life. I have found that gaining professionalism allows you to take a step back, decrease the apprehension, and take a look at the bigger picture. Through learning to be more professional, I have learned it 's okay not to know all the answers to everything right away. It may take some time to get the right answer and come to a satisfying conclusion where all parties are satisfied. It has developed my thinking from everything being black and white and a small area of gray to a large area of large gray. This meaning there are many possibilities not just the obvious to a problem. It shows me the importance of exploring all concerns to get to the root of the problem. Again, this may take some time. I have learned that most of professionalism is patience, sometimes the longer it takes; the closer you are to the best possible result. I have found that professionalism is more than a behavior, but a quality that can increase