What does it take to Manage in the global environment? It takes leaders who will honor their commitment and move with time. To be able to manage in the global environment managers most pay close attention to every different internal and external behavior globally. When trying to do business globally it can be a hug challenge. Therefore, it is important for managers in all size and type of organization to understand the global setting. There are also great opportunities so this means that all global mangers need to be aware of the diversity of nations and be open to changes. So they will need to know the different culture, ethics, competitors, law, Tax, and factors.
Knowing the characteristics of people of …show more content…
Making possible for them to organize and come with strategies of building a team of Strong and reliable participants. Managers in the global environment must be capable in making changes failure to keep up with developing industrial movements and top competition would be bad for business. With this information in mind, understanding how businesses are operates in these chosen areas is of uttermost importance to managers.
Foreign Political and legal forces such as rules and laws in different countries of business and global workplace, behaviors which are illegal such as discrimination and sexual harassment might not be understood in the same way by people of different cultures. Also what risks do management face in the different country as stated in the book “Management” that
Risks are part of doing business globally. Those risks encompass political ones as well as security, kidnap, and maritime situation. The 2014 annual report by control Risks maps the trends that multinational companies need to track. Managers of business in countries with higher risk levels face dramatic greater uncertainty. In addition, political interference is a fact of life in some regions, especially in some Asian countries such as China.” (Pg.108)
Managers could also need license and other credential needed to perform business in various countries. Global managers also need to analyze currencies