Reflection Of Mbti Assessment

Improved Essays
The MBTI assessment is a four-letter code for what personality type each individual possesses. There are 16 different personalities, but each individual has one that is special to them. They are filled with both strengths and weaknesses, and can be useful in many ways. Let’s explore mine.
The four letters that I got on my MBTI assessment were INTP. I stands for introvert, N stands for intuitive, T stands for thinking, and P stands for perceiving. Of all my letters, the I and the T were the least surprising to me. I scored 92% for my level of introversion, and 66% thinking. This was not shocking to me at all, because even as a child I have always been the reserved, philosophizing type preferring books over people, ideas over reality, and logic
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This letter influences how you receive and process information. I think this letter goes hand in hand with my thinking preference. I get so fixated on ideas and possibilities that I never actually stop to make them realities. I build ideas up in my head so much that reality can never compare. I never remember details of anything, but rather, I seek out the underlying meaning of what I’m learning and try to find its connectivity to myself as a whole. I love sitting by myself and just thinking about abstract, theoretical concepts. I like to think just for the fun of thinking, and my favorite hobby is getting lost in the depths of my own mind. My S friends on the other hand, see this as pointless and impractical and prefer to stay in the kiddie pool of thought. I think they’re boring sticks in the mud that just don’t know how to …show more content…
I strongly neglect communal forms of worship and prayer. But what I’ve come to greatly realize in the last few months is that no man can be an island unto himself. Isolation is one of the fastest ways to kill spiritual intimacy. I have a tendency to neglect the emotional side of my psyche, and because of this, I sometimes view God more as a concept than a being. I seek to understand Him and figure him out, but as far as having a relationship with him, that’s almost foreign territory. This is in large part due to the fact that I don’t even have many relationships with people. My father raised me, and my mother was not in the picture. This led to me being told all my life to suck it up, move on, and not let my feelings show. Ultimately, this led me to forgo emotions entirely. I never learned that it was ok to have emotions, much less express them. So the concept of a loving God who wants to know the ins and outs of my inner emotional world is a little difficult for my to accept as truth. Like Mulholland says in his book, my neglected emotions sometimes have a tendency to sneak up on me. Sometimes I find myself getting upset but not even knowing why, or random events trigger past emotions that I have refused to deal with. This is problematic, and needs to be

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