The lack of creativity in modern day schools are affecting how kids grow up to view the world. Creativity is so important during a kid’s childhood. It’s how they are able to develop as a person and discover who they are. It seems though, as kids get older, schools tend to strip that creative freedom from kids. They stop growing, and they become very closed minded as they reach adulthood. Our society needs more inventors and innovators, and people that will inspire others. Kids spend a majority of their time in school, and this is the place where they start to develop their own personality, and they learn how to interact with other individuals. Schools have a very strict system, that doesn’t allow many kids to …show more content…
They are the future and we need them to be as optimistic as possible, not just in school, but in life in general. Innovation creates possibilities. The light bulb was innovative at one point because it was something no one had ever thought of before, but because of the innovative mind of Thomas Edison, the light bulb is an everyday object that most of us take for granted. The mind is a very undervalued tool that is useful in not just art, but useful in everything you do in life and the way you look at life. Life has a special kind of meaning to those who think bigger than themselves. “But applying creative thinking to your everyday life can make things so much more interesting. With creativity you free your mind up to think in new and exciting ways.” (Poole) We should ought to hear out what some kids have to say, since they are probably one of the most honest individuals. They’ll tell you what is exactly on their mind and give you their honest thoughts. Through creativity, kids will become excellent problem solvers. It will allow them to analyze different situations, and to be able to solve them. This can have a very positive impact on a person’s everyday life and everyday scenarios that occur throughout the day. Having the ability to problem solve can make life so much easier. Being optimistic and open to your options can turn out to have …show more content…
From graphic design, to movie making, to music, to painting, and plenty more. Obviously there are tons and tons of people in this industry, so it takes a lot to get “noticed” by many. It’s a great industry to go into, especially if you love doing what you do. Everyday people are creating magnificent works of art that are appreciated my lots of people. Lots of people are attracted to different types of entertainment, which creates a variety of options when it comes to creating something for not just your own satisfaction, but for the people. “Because our creativity is stripped by the time we are ready to enter into the real world, many decide to take the easy way out and get that job that doesn't require much effort, forever living life the way society wants us to rather than the way we ourselves want to.”(Elite Daily