Constitution means a set of basic laws, rules and regulations which are necessary for running the administration of a state with an objective that people may lead an independent, disciplined, peaceful and happy life.
The Need of Constitution:
If we look at the history of mankind one would find that the primitive man lived in a small family unit had its own rule and way of living. Later, these family units merged themselves into big or small tribes to meet their economic, social and defense needs. As time passed and population increased they felt to organize themselves into much bigger units within the certain territory. This foundation of territory was on the basis of language, culture and traditions. From here the different countries …show more content…
When the Pakistan came into being, it had to face several problems where one of the most difficult task to make the constitution in the newly born state. It took more than eight years to frame a new constitution. This was because of the political instability in the country; around seven governments were changed between the period of 1947-1956 which was the main reason of late formation of the constitution. As we know Quaid-e-Azam was very keen to solve the problems of Pakistan. So, he took this problem with urgency. Below we will discuss how the first constitution was …show more content…
o Unicameral legislation (one house system) was introduced and national assembly had 300 members 150 from each side. o Furthermore, there was an introduction of federal system. Power was distributed between central and provinces. o President had more power than prime minister, in any extreme situation he could declare emergency. o Judiciary system (Supreme Court) was introduced under the supervision of Chief Justice. o Last but not least, Urdu and Bengali would be the national language.
Abrogation of 1956 Constitution:
On 7th Oct 1958,it was abrogated by the General Ayub Khan.
To conclude it can be said simply that in the constitutional history of pakistan. There has been a political conflict b/w the head of govt: and head of state. It also consisted of some positive characteristics but such political conticts had cause and not only its abrogation but also failure of its parliamentary system. The constitution was introduced on 23rd march 1956. And proced till 7th oct 1958. On 7th the military took the power of general Ayub khan who abrogated the constitution along with the president iskkandar mirza assume power under military law and come to end of 1956 constitution. This all brought end to our discussion about 1956