Reflection Of A Clinical Sexual History Interview

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The clinical sexual history interview was particularly challenging because I chose to interview my husband of 17 years. Perhaps my own discomfort highlighted some of the cringe worthy moments during the 60 minute interview, including asking about the first time he had intercourse. The anxiety made me question if I truly wanted to know the answer to the sample intake questions. After all, I can still hear my grandmother’s voice a few minutes before my wedding telling me, “lo que no fue en tu ano no es tu dano/ what was not in your time is not your harm,” meaning I must not to worry or ponder about my husband’s previous relationships or sex partners. Before my husband and I were married, we were both tested for STD’s because we wanted to engage …show more content…
I am also glad that this assignment did not turn into an unnecessary argument and that I was able to listen to my husband’s wants and needs. I discovered that we have both have made school a priority and have neglected one of the most important parts of our marriage SEX.
During these past two years we have grown as individuals and our marriage has also become stronger because we have learned to better compromise and spend quality time together. Yet, we have not made time for each other sexually. The discovery that “things have changed,” had a significant impact and we both realized that we have been avoiding the topic of sex that is why we agreed to continue this conversation and try to work on our marriage.
Finally, the assignment was helpful because I was able to talk to my partner and hear directly from him that he feels that we have both neglected our sex life. This assignment helped us recognize that “it is okay that things have changed” because we have reached a level of differentiation in our marriage that we are comfortable with, yet we can still improve. We can still try to fulfill each other’s needs not only emotionally but also

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