There were several questions from this inventory that evoked a strong reaction from me. Most of them were due to the fact that they went directly against my personal values and beliefs. …show more content…
Most of these beliefs were taught to me as I was growing up and I have been grounded in them for many years. The belief that I have against counseling gay or lesbian couples was instilled in me by my parents. I did not understand the terms gay and lesbian until I was about twelve or thirteen years old, when people were starting to protest for or against legalized gay marriage in the state of California. It was then that my parents explained to me what this was and how it was against the Bible. I then went on to do my own studying to see where I stood on the issue. I agreed with my parents that this was unbiblical and that I disagreed with the relationship between same sex people. However, I have come in contact with gay and lesbian people, and I do not discriminate against them, because they are God’s children just like the rest of us. However, I feel like I would have a hard time counseling them, due to where I stand on the issue and the beliefs that have been instilled in me for so many …show more content…
This one is probably the hardest for me, because I personally have seen what this type of things does to the children. It is very difficult to see how great of an impact this has on the children and their future. I have been taught my entire life by my parents, that when you marry someone, it is a lifelong commitment that you cannot back out of, when you decide you do not like the arrangement anymore. This has caused me to look very at divorce or separation in a very negative way. Also, I have worked with a number of children whose parents are divorced or separated and I have what it does to them. They often have feelings of abandonment or feel like they are being pulled in two different directions. So this accompanied with the beliefs I have been taught, has caused me to be against divorce.
There are many different things that I need to work on in my professional and personal life in order to be able to work around these issues. One of the ways that I can work around and through these issues professionally is by following the ACA Code of Ethics section A.4b which states,
Counselors are aware of and avoid imposing their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Counselors respect the diversity of clients, trainees, and research participants and seek training in areas in which they are at risk of imposing