In this study, they manipulate the automatic associations of an attitude object, and any additional information of the object. The researches conducted three experiments. For the first experiment, the goal was to first test the effectiveness of an experimental procedure that was made to manipulate the outcome of automatic associations on evaluative judgments. The participants consisted of 164 undergraduates that participated in a personal preference study. They were either assigned one of two introspection conditions, feelings or reasons. …show more content…
To measure the automatic associations, they used an AT. The participants were asked their implicit preference for Coke and Pepsi. For the second experiment, the goal was to test the implicit measures. It would result in the not shown effects on explicit measures when an attitude object with positive or negative valence creates automatic associations and gets rid of automatic associations on self-reported evaluative judgments. The participants consisted of 80 undergraduates in a study of their personal preferences about Europe and Asia. This experiment used the EC paradigm. The participants were asked one of two questions, their feelings for Europe and Asia, and assess their knowledge about the two countries. Their answers were recorded on a computer. For the third experiment, the goal was to show that the ownership effects on explicit measures that associate with the impact of automatic associations. The participants consisted of 81 undergraduates that participated in a attention, attitudes, and social judgment study. The experiment consisted of an object being owned vs not owned and feelings vs. reasons. The study consisted of tasks that were not relevant to the actual study. The participants would receive one of the two color prints. They were two postcards from the series Earth from Above by Yann Arthus Bertrand. The postcards had either an aerial picture of a dromedary caravan in the desert or in the dunes. The deciding factor in which the participant received a postcard was the experimenter rolled a dice. Half of the participants were asked to look at the postcard and project their feelings toward it and the remaining were asked why they preferred a certain picture. Both pictures were displayed on a screen. The participants, then wrote their answers. The measure of automatic associations study came next. participants were first presented with a fixation cross for 1000 ms, then one …show more content…
The results from experiment 1 support the different factors that influence the impact of automatic associations on evaluative judgments. For the findings of experiment 2, an IAT scale was used to determine the implicit preferences for Europe and Asia, where they categorized names of 10 European and 10 Asian countries. For the implicit measure, it was concluded that the participants had a stronger preference for Europe over Asia. For the explicit measure, it was concluded that the conditioning effects were present when participants focused on their feelings, not their