This love of total self-gift, not one of a transactional nature, is modeled in the New Testament by Christ. “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25). He is the head of the Church and the Church is his body, in which brings people into his fold. Drawing on this covenant between Christ and the Church, the love of the spouses has to be unitive and life giving. Sex then is not mere a means to satisfy one’s pleasure but it is to bond a couple in deeper union and create new life through children. Thus a covenant, both marital and non-marital, is not a cold, sterile agreement, rather it is a union that creates
This love of total self-gift, not one of a transactional nature, is modeled in the New Testament by Christ. “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25). He is the head of the Church and the Church is his body, in which brings people into his fold. Drawing on this covenant between Christ and the Church, the love of the spouses has to be unitive and life giving. Sex then is not mere a means to satisfy one’s pleasure but it is to bond a couple in deeper union and create new life through children. Thus a covenant, both marital and non-marital, is not a cold, sterile agreement, rather it is a union that creates