Impact Of Television In The 1950s

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Televisions affected our grandparents’ time in the 1950s
As the world is getting more developed day by day, we can not imagine how different our lives would be without Iphones or Netflix. As people seek new innovations, products that were previously attractive became obsolete. For example, many people nowadays would prefer to watch Netflix on their Macbook rather than watching shows on televisions. Televisions used to be an important part of people’s lives. The 1950s were considered the Golden Age of television. America had profoundly changed; televisions redefined the way people acted, from their location to watch sports game to their choice of the next President. Televisions had created an enormous effect on society overall. The advent of television in the 1950s completely reshaped how people spent their leisure time, how children behaved, and how the economy and social structure changed.

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The actors, comedians, politicians, and news commentators on television were even known better to people than their neighbors, friends, and colleagues. “The small round box” seemed to “replace friends, the print media, radio, and the movies as their primary source of both entertainment and news" (Television, Encyclopedia). Families went out less, slept less, and read less, and the children played outside less than before. Furthermore, the number of social evenings with friends decreased. However, people living on the same block usually gathered together on the same day of the week to watch movies (Kallen 169). Claire Hartmann was the first woman to have TV in her block. She observed people come to her house every Monday night to watch I Love Lucy. (Hartmann) Sometimes, there was only one house in the block where a family could afford TV, and people would come to that house to watch TVs together. People used their free time differently than the time during which they only had radios to

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