I’ve learned by watching this presentation that there are different types of social media where websites and applications are dedicated to forums, microblogging, social network and wikis. In 1990’s telephone and radio reached million users and after year 2000, the …show more content…
In business, companies are using social media to recruiting, advertising, networking, referencing, reviewing and selling on line. Besides that, nowadays can reach all the customers very quickly and very efficiently. When customers complain, the companies need to manage those dissatisfactions in order to keep their image safe. It’s know that 26% of the world are using social media and that is why the social media has helped to create a digital global village.
Absolutely all the points we have learned about the impact of social media can be linked with Global Business and evidently it’s possible to understand some opportunities and challenges. First of all, there are opportunities and challenges in fields like HR, Operations, Finance and Marketing. In HR, the social media, tools and applications will help the professionals to select and hiring people. The process participants can use tools as LinkedIn to share their professional information and companies can search for new candidates according specific abilities. The resume in paper, in fact, runs its course. The great challenge for companies around the world is adapt immediately with this new way to select and hiring. Social media is changing the way people are buying and selling. …show more content…
Maybe the mainly contribution of social media in our society is help making changes. Social media has been helping people to organize and protest against corrupt governments. Efficient governments have been using the social media to reduce crime, violence and diseases. Social Media is enabling democracy and mobilizing activism, increasing access to information and improving education and influencing the media through citizen journalism. An example how social media is working governments, we saw that in Jamaica, health workers distribute information about HIV via social media and citizens in Mexico are using social media to report information about drug wars and cartels. Social media definitely reduce distances and improve the power of society. The question is, are we ready for