Penicillin And Its Impact On Microbiology

Improved Essays
Dalise Atwell
BIO 212
Dr. Boles
Excelsior College

Penicillin and its Impact on Microbiology

Penicillin has saved many lives past and current. “Before the discovery and use of penicillin, infectious diseases had been the leading cause of death throughout history. Furthermore, the therapeutic tools available for treating infections were few and of limited use.”(Kardos 2011) Penicillin has been the drug of choice when treating many diseases.
Even though there are people allergic to penicillin, and bacterias that have formed resistance to penicillin and other antibiotics, penicillin will always be relevant to the studies of Microbiology. From its accidental inception penicillin has made an impact on science, because Alexander Fleming unwavering passion for discovering the body 's natural defense, although he accidentally stumbled upon penicillin, and penicillin has been beneficial from it 's inception in 1929 to present day. From its accidental inception penicillin have made an impact on science, because Alexander Fleming unwavering passion for discovering the body 's natural defense, although he accidentally stumbled upon penicillin,. Following the war, Fleming decided to continue his study as a bacteriologist and accepted an unwavering passion for analyzing the bacteria that caused the infection during the war. In the 1920’s after that the war, Fleming extracted his secretions to culture. Subsequent the results of the culture Fleming substantiated lysozymes where the body’s natural defense against microbes.Fleming later realized that lysozymes effects were limited. The details provided expounds on how the first world war impassioned him to pursue further studies as a bacteriologist that ended with him discovering lysozymes. Fleming returned after a month long vacation in August or early September, and noted a concerning anomaly(Sun, 2005). Fleming observed that many of the culture plates that he left behind had developed some yellow stuff within the mold, and that substance was controlling the growth of the bacteria (Sun, 2005). Fleming decided to observe the random substance in the culture dish closely (Sun, 2005). Fleming realized that Staphylococcal colonies exhibited lysis, which is the dissolution or destruction of cells by lysins for part of the distance throughout the growth of the mold (Sun, 2005). Fleming reported, "But from the previous experience, I would have thrown the plate away, as many bacteriologists must have done before. This important detail that goes well into how Fleming stumbled upon his discovery of penicillin accidentally where he found his culture plates with the mold in it. There are people allergic to penicillin, and bacterias that have formed resistance to penicillin and other antibiotics, penicillin will always be relevant to the studies of Microbiology.(“Penicillin Allergies.”) Penicillin allergy is the most commonly reported medication allergy, either by the
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Severe past reaction, such as anaphylaxis, and anaphylaxis allergy is critical, and re-exposure will warrant adverse and possibly mortality. However, for patients with a secondary or uncertain reaction, not rendering penicillin may perhaps be withholding the first result of effective treatment.(“Penicillin Allergies.”) Penicillin is the treatment for Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. (“Penicillin Allergies.”)
The treatment of penicillin is a first line defense encountering some infectious agent that can lead to peril in one 's life. The first line defense is nothing else will do at the time but penicillin. Many physicians perform assessments to check the level of allergy by continuously monitoring the patient after the initial dose(“Penicillin Allergies.”).
Another example that shows that there are people allergic to penicillin and that bacteria have formed resistance to penicillin and other antibiotics, penicillin will always be relevant to the studies of Microbiology
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However, in the late 1930s, when Chain and Florey began to test antibacterial substances, they used a culture of Fleming’s mold that had been maintained at Oxford. Chain found it was an enzyme which attacks a specific bacterial structure. While reviewing the literature on lysozyme, Chain came across the paper by Fleming, published in 1929, describing the chance discovery of a Penicillium mold that apparently dissolved pathogenic bacteria in its vicinity. Chain also found a culture of Fleming’s mold in the School of Pathology. In 1941 it was considered that there was enough penicillin for a limited trial in patients at the Radcliffe Infirmary under the direction of Charles Fletcher. The first case treated, on 12 February 1941, was Albert Alexander, a 43-year-old policeman, who was moribund with overwhelming staphylococcal and streptococcal

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