To address the social stigma against HIV and to improve the individual behaviours of people in Singapore, suggesting mass media campaigns and guerilla marketing to promote and educate the target audience and the rest of the population.
In recent years, programs to address social issues have become more sophisticated in their use and evaluation of mass media. There is also a growing body of literature on using mass media to change consumer behaviour. We have drawn on these other fields to inform research and methodologies to explicate audience recall of the message, awareness of the issue, understanding of the issue, salience of the issue, and behavior changes that may come about as a result, directly or indirectly, from the media …show more content…
It was planned to increase the usage of condoms amongst heterosexuals and targetted risk groups, to reduce the stigma against HIV/AIDS individuals, and also to increase solidarity among individuals living with HIV/AIDS and the rest of the population.
Mass media was engaged in getting the message known across the population, there was a significant increase of almost 50% of the purchase and usage of condoms between year 1987 to 1990. The main choice of media used was billboards and posters in different languages that are located across Switzerland because it only requires maximum visual image with less copy writing that can spread the message in its simplest form for the general population. Whereas for much more detailed messages were done in form of prints, radio and television …show more content…
It is a way to promote healthy sexual lifestyle
Who is our target and what makes them different from others?
Heterosexuals and homosexual community with age ranging from 25-45.
Socially and sexually active, and it concerns their future.
What is our target’s problem – and do they recognise their behaviour as being problematic?
Involved social networking apps, trying to hook up for sex to fulfill their sexual needs. They do not see it as a problem, because they feel that it’s safe to as long as they have it protected with condoms. However, having oral sex unprotected could be as risky in getting STIs and HIV. Most men would feel that receiving protected oral sex would minimalise the pleasure overall. (Annette Cooper, Gordon Barrie, 2015)
Do we face competitive pressure?
The only pressure that we are facing is how should be open about getting themselves tested for HIV and not see it as something that is embarassing to do.
What is our most important benefit?
The most important benefit would to make people have more a sense of social responsibility and not to see people who are HIV positive