A continuum of placements for a student is offered and provided in the least restrictive environment as determined by the IEP team. The types of placements are based on LRE features and application: the students need to have maximum freedom to explore the environment with his physical and intellectual ability, similar age appropriate activities, not harmful, not controlling, students with a disability needs to develop skills necessary to control their world. Most respectful, teacher needs to considerate family wishes. Most normalized exemplar of real life in a society. The placements are general education class, resource class, separate class, separate school, and residential facility. An IEP is developed and implemented because it’s the law and safeguards for students. I believe it is the law because the child with disability has his own specific rights as a human being and the law makes sure these rights are offered. A safeguards for students because they can’t advocate for themselves so the IEP makes sure that all their needs are written and planned for students’ best wellbeing.
Friend, M. (2014). Special Education (4thed). Pearson/chapter 2 pgs.