Identity And Self In Ralph Ellison's The Invisible Man

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The leading character of Ellison’s “The invisible man” remains unseen as the novel develops. Throughout the novel the unknown character’s self-development changes both tempo and beat as the novel unfolds. Rather like the invisible man, the progressing musical beat that flows throughout the invisible man may not be visible, yet it is clearly felt and heard. The main theme within the invisible man is the constant form of invisibility. Ellison explores the use of music such as in the form of jazz and improvisation. These are moments or experiences where invisibility takes control. Although signifies a chance for the protagonist to escape reality, allowing for the exploration of one’s true identity. “Ellison uses various incidents to show the Invisible Man's sensibility to the conflict of black men trying to find their sense of identity and self and also the ugly reality of the racial situation in America” (Sheokand). “Most of the time…I am not…overtly violent. I remember that I am invisible and walk softly so as not to awaken the sleeping ones. Sometimes it is best not to awaken them; there are few things in the world as dangerous as sleepwalkers. I learned in time though that it is possible to carry on a fight against them without their realizing it.” (Ellison 5) In spite of the greater part of our endeavor to see the world truthfully and honestly, our natures blind us to the corruption of society. “The Invisible Man” is told in retrospect as he says “The end is the beginning”. In the Prologue, we come to find that the Invisible Man has withdrawn completely from society, living in a hole underground. He steals electricity from the light and power company. This is symbolic because if you’re invisible you would try not to be seen. “Perhaps you’ll think it's strange that an invisible man should need light, desire light, love light. But maybe it is exactly because I am invisible. Light confirms my reality, gives birth to my form” (Ellison, 6). The light can symbolize the narrator going through the process of seeing himself and trying to figure out who he is. It’s ironic that he is in a hole and hidden from the rest of the world because he is slowly gaining power and self-worth without anyone even noticing. During the battle royal, he finds himself being forced into a ring that was filled with bright lights, and smoke filled air. He is seen as a poor African American whose only purpose is to amuse the whites through humiliation. He understood that he was there to deliver a speech and was ultimately deceived. Still, he believed that he could give a great speech and wanted to make a difference in others’ lives and be an inspiration. During the speech he messed up and said the word social equality rather than social responsibility. The Invisible Man tried to convince his white audience that he made a mistake when saying social equality. The Invisible Man also fails to see that the people he trusts can also easily betray him. Dr. Bledsoe betrays him when he expels him from school. This can also be significant because once again the invisible man is alone …show more content…
While all of this is happening, the blacks are striving to have power like the whites. The narrator accepts all of the chaos in his life as reality starts to set in. The Invisible Man now realizes this while he is stuck in this hole, and doesn’t want to be dull no longer like some of the people that have been in and out of his life. Often times we fail to see the major corruption of our society because our human nature causes us to want to see the good in people rather than the bad. Everyone has a good side but it’s up to you to look past the bad in order to see the good. Everyone in life has to get through certain milestones and there are stereotypes against everyone in society. Whether it be your skin, religion, house, or money it doesn’t matter because no one is free from stereotypes. We all want to see the good in everyone and not focus on the bad, but often times it’s hard. If we eliminated stereotypes the world would be a way better

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