Engaging inter-professionally within seminars, practical classes and group work sessions in this module has developed my personal and professional skills significantly.
Topics studied included Professionalism, The Patient Journey, Study Skills and Inter-professional Education but I will follow Gibbs Model of Reflection (1998) to illustrate how attending and participating in practical classes on Emergency Life Support and seminars on Teamwork were instrumental in my development. This Model contemplates a six-stage cycle. (See Appendix 1)
A three-hour Emergency Life Support course held in a practical room on Campus on 28th October and led by a local physiologist endeavoured to provide the knowledge …show more content…
I felt intimated by my peers’ knowledge, and then exhilarated by information gained.
My prior topic knowledge was minimal, and time limitations prohibited note taking and sufficient practice administering CPR. My negligence towards obtaining clarification of the procedure during class factored extensively in my failure to administer CPR.
I feel the lecturer did not recognise the minority group with minimal subject knowledge and my learning could have been enriched with more time to absorb detailed information and practise CPR.
The importance of being able to administer Emergency Life Support consequently necessitated me undertaking further research to identify the correct positioning of the hands on the chest for CPR. Correct positioning is imperative as ‘’ multiple liver lacerations can result from protracted chest compressions.’’ (Lau, 1994) According to Jevon (2002) I should “locate the xiphisternum, place the middle finger on this point, and the index finger on … sternum just above. Slide the heel of the other hand down to meet them.’’ (See Appendix 6) I also learned body size is significant when performing chest compressions. The sternum should be compressed approximately 4-5cm for a normal-sized adult’’ (Resuscitation Council UK, 2000a). ‘’Lesser degrees of compression in smaller adults and greater degrees in larger adults’’ (AHA and ILCOR, …show more content…
However this experience was a major learning curve, as I now understand the benefits that fulfilling all Belbin’s team roles makes.
During the emergency life support course I should have overcome confidence issues and asked more questions to clarify uncertainities and facilitate my understanding of administering CPR.
This experience highlighted my need to prioritise personal development over feelings of inadequacy. I should not feel threatened by others expertise or knowledge, instead I should embrace other people’s knowledge and learn from them.
The teamwork seminar identified my behavioural role in teamwork, and the problems incurred if teams exclude effective role members. This experience highlights ignoring issues negatively impacts teamwork. I need to build my confidence levels to undertake other behavioural roles to contribute more in part of a multi-disciplinary team.
The teamwork task identified the value and importance of having a balanced cohesive team for optimum success.