I So Badly Want To Feel My Heart Poem Analysis

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Taz is a youtuber who struggles with depression and anxiety and writes poetry about it to inspire others to love self image, to live a little in their daily lives, try not to be so sad all the time, try to forget everything that makes people hate their everyday lives. Taz has said in one of her poems,“I so badly want to feel my heart with so much happiness that it takes all the sadness away.” What means by this no matter how hard people try once someone gets infected with this sadness they really can't get away from it, but there's always things to help them and that's why she writes and she pours her feelings into these poems and makes them hit really hard to your heart. Secondly she said, “I sit here feeling sorry for myself knowing full well as each day goes by the less opportunities I have.” This connects to the claim because she does vlogs about the way she is a college graduate and is stocking shelves for money and she is losing the opportunities she has to spend with friends and having fun and letting go before she become too old for her. …show more content…
Lastly, she said, “No matter how hard I try I'm not fine, I'm tired, tired of pretending to live this life, I'm not alright and I haven't been for a while.” what she means by this is whatever she does with her life whatever she tries to change won't help her with her depression and anxiety,but in the end of her video she says, “You are not the demons in your mind, you are not the hurt and pain you feel on the inside, you're stronger than that.” What that means whatever someone is going through they can get through all they have to do is believe they stronger than this demon they have created in your mind that tells them that they are worthless and weak, people are better than that and they should believe in themselves, believe that they can do amazing things. “You have great happy moments and just when you think things are fine,..surprise. “ Meaning people might be able to distract themselves from the heavy feeling in their heart for a while weather that be an hour, a day, or weeks, it finds its way back into people and beats them down making sure to give them payback for forgetting about it and taz connects to her viewers by explaining this feeling that others can't. “people will tell me that i just need to think more positively, or the solution to all my problems is self-love, but it's not as simple as that,” What she is expressing is that when a person has depression or anxiety or both others tell them to get over it by focusing on ‘the right path’ or surrounding themselves with friends that will help them with this problem or stop hating yourself so much and accept the image and she’s telling people who don’t understand this sickness shouldn’t assume this will help, because she has tried everything but the feeling will always find a way back in. “you feel like you’re doing the right things,you know you’re having fun with your friends, having late night chats, dancing to silly music and in the

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