Hypothesis On Job Satisfaction

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Variables, Research Questions and Hypotheses The variables for the study are:
Independent Variable (IV) – job dissatisfaction
Dependent Variable (DV) – turnover intention
The research questions are as follows:
RQ1: What is the relationship between job dissatisfaction and employee turnover intention among non-managerial Nashua City Public Works division employees?
RQ2: What are some job-related factors to consider when analyzing the relationship between job dissatisfaction and employee turnover intention among non-managerial Nashua City Public Works employees?
The research hypotheses are:
H0: There is no relationship between job dissatisfaction and employee turnover intention
H1: There is a significant positive relationship between job dissatisfaction
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Job dissatisfaction is as a result of several factors, depending on the behaviors of the employees and the organization. However, a deeper understanding of the relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention will clarify the effect of the interrelationship and whether it impacts job dissatisfaction. The variables that will impact my research questions are job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention, but the overall justification of the study is to find out if levels of job satisfaction are related to higher or lower commitment and increased or decreased turnover intention, and thereby job dissatisfaction. The predictor, explanatory, or independent variables in my study are organizational commitment, and turnover intention, and the dependent variable is job …show more content…
For a research that examines the relationship between job dissatisfaction and employee turnover intention, either of the research designs, cross-sectional or correlative is appropriate (Creswell, 2014). The population will consist of 150 non-managerial City of Nashua Public Works employees, both male and female using a simple random sampling method. The measuring instrument will be a suitable structured questionnaire that will result in the befitting data analysis. Descriptive statistics will be used to give an account of the data in the summary, while the chi square test will be used to measure the relationships between the variables, and correlation analysis will test the relationship between job dissatisfaction and employee turnover intention.
Sampling Strategy
The sampling strategy for any study depends on research design, research methods, as well as research ethics, but most importantly, three factors - (i) a deep understanding key terms and fundamental principles (ii) identification of sampling technique for the sample (iii) the practicality or otherwise of using the sampling strategy for the study.
Sample size estimation for any study is imperative, hence the seen to ensure that it is done appropriately (Patten, 2014). Too few participants result in an underpowered sample, while too many participants result in an overpowered sample (Pyrczak, 2010). To achieve a correct

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