And by removing the ‘N-word’ from the novel only to replace it with the word ‘slave’ “etiolates the crushing, dehumanizing institutional forces against [Jim, which also] minimizes Huck’s enlightenment” (Source C). Twain uses the ‘N-word’ 219 times in Huck Finn to satirize and to strongly disagree with the Southern morals and viewpoints. Twain’s common use of the N-word as a rhetorical strategy pulls on the readers emotions, which allows Twain to take his audience back to the pre-Civil War era and show how blacks were treated and addressed as back then. And as Twain said about the removal of the N-word, “‘the difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter,’” (Source E) and if the N-word is replaced with other words like ‘slave,’ the meaning of the novel would be completely different even though those two word are
And by removing the ‘N-word’ from the novel only to replace it with the word ‘slave’ “etiolates the crushing, dehumanizing institutional forces against [Jim, which also] minimizes Huck’s enlightenment” (Source C). Twain uses the ‘N-word’ 219 times in Huck Finn to satirize and to strongly disagree with the Southern morals and viewpoints. Twain’s common use of the N-word as a rhetorical strategy pulls on the readers emotions, which allows Twain to take his audience back to the pre-Civil War era and show how blacks were treated and addressed as back then. And as Twain said about the removal of the N-word, “‘the difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter,’” (Source E) and if the N-word is replaced with other words like ‘slave,’ the meaning of the novel would be completely different even though those two word are