Three articles that I found consist of three CEO’S that came about some major challenges of their companies and despite the struggles they faced within the companies they overcame them creating a positive and motivational outcome inside their organizations. The first leader that I chose was Alan Mullaly, which is the CEO of Ford car motor company. The second leader that I chose was Steve Jobs, who was not only the CEO of Apple Products, but he was a co-founder as well. The last leader that I chose was Dan Hesse, who is a former chief executive of Sprint Corporation
Summary of findings from the peer-reviewed articles
Alan Mullaly: Mullaly became CEO of Ford motor industry in 2006. Before he took over the company, Ford was facing massive financial problems, causing a huge strain within this well-known auto industry. The organizations stock price was at an all-time low and their debt was considered to be in “junk status”. Ford had an overall profit loss of $12.7 billion dollars. Due to the major financial complications that Ford was facing, many anticipated that the company was going to go bankrupt and eventually close (Kraemer, 2015). Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs and other co-founders created Apple products over 35 years ago. Even though Jobs was a co-founder in Apple, he chose to step down from CEO due to medical problems that came about. But before Jobs stepped down from the organization, he inputted major contributions to Apple that created major positive outcomes, causing Apple to being one of the top leading electronic companies in the world (Faas, 2011). Dan Hesse: Before Dan Hesse became CEO of Sprint, he was with AT&T where he was brought in after the company was in a devastating state and was apart. After he turned AT&T’s financial debacle around. He left that phone company and found himself in another struggle when he accepted the CEO position at Sprint. Not only was Sprint in financial struggles as well, but they were in an identity crisis as well when the 50/50 co owners of sprint and Nextel. The owners seek to merge Sprint and Nextel together, however instead of helping with the profit of Sprint it left the company and a negative limbo which caused financial difficulties (Tsai, 2017). Outcome – What were their challenges that the Executive Leadership faced; how were they overcome? What was the outcome? Was it considered successful or not? Why or why not? Alan Mullaly: After Ford found themselves in a major financial bind, Mullaly came in and turned the organization completely around, creating a major financial profit for the Automobile company, while also creating more jobs within the company, which caused other automobile …show more content…
After it was said in done. Alan Mullaly brought a $23.6 billion profit to the company. I would consider this to be a successful outcome, because if it wasn’t for Mullaly’s time and dedication to improving Ford, the well-known automobile company might have not been around today, which would have caused a devastating impact on our economy (Kraemer,