Car insurance now costs more for everyone because of distracted driving, and if we keep this up it will only get worse, The rate of fatal car crashes have gone up by five percent in 2014 to 2015 (Idaho Business Review). Lately cars have been adding on hands-free phone commands. Saying that they are a safe alternative is illusory. Even is a person is not manually typing, their minds are still focused on their phones and not the road ahead of them. If we keep driving while texting not only we will pay but the future generations of America will
Car insurance now costs more for everyone because of distracted driving, and if we keep this up it will only get worse, The rate of fatal car crashes have gone up by five percent in 2014 to 2015 (Idaho Business Review). Lately cars have been adding on hands-free phone commands. Saying that they are a safe alternative is illusory. Even is a person is not manually typing, their minds are still focused on their phones and not the road ahead of them. If we keep driving while texting not only we will pay but the future generations of America will