Paps Pros And Cons

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PAS Visualize your life at the most joyful time you can think of- engaged to your better half, a life ahead full of promises. You are at the point where being happy and having a merry life is all you are looking forward to. You have the best and most memorable days with your significant other traveling the world, hiking, and going on adventures. Three months ago you were taken to the emergency room after suffering from major headaches and seizures, after having some MRI’s done the diagnosis was unfortunate; a brain tumor had developed and was slowly and progressively going to kill you within the next year. Fear overwhelms you but that is actually the motivation for living the last days to the fullest with your love ones. The next three months, …show more content…
They think that taking this action is morally wrong and doctors who assist it are acting ethically wrong, forgetting about the principles they should maintain. Since, it is considered suicide society thinks that people are ending their lives without thinking about the act they are committing. However, this is not the situation when the person suffering cannot bare the pain any longer and living is rather horrifying than happy. Evidently others feel that PAS is not a good solution because we now have technology to manage pain like palliative, and hospice care. This makes them believe that the pain when going through death is manageable and PAS should not be an option. Both sides however, will agree that physicians should first ask the patient whether or not they want to continue living, and not to take decisions without their consent. “Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act,…authorizes prescriptions for lethal medication doses when two doctors agree a patient will die within 6 months and is choosing this path freely”, which guarantees no abuse from the law (Lachman 56). Furthermore, both sides will also agree that physicians seek the best for their patients, sometimes falling under the option of PAS for the benefit of the

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