Historically social media has not been seen as an issue. With the popularity and introduction of progressing technology social media is becoming more accessible and blamed for insecurities of young women.
‘Social networking sites have started to become one of the most frequently used online communication types in the world. It is reported that one of the commonly used social networking sites is Facebook.’(Eroglu, 2015)
This essay investigates if social media is to blame for providing a platform in which these young women are being exposed to images of an ideal body type, also there will be research undertaken to see if other factors can be considered i.e. television and magazines. To do …show more content…
With or without social media there is always something a young girl will want to change, longer hair, nicer skin, whiter teeth, when they are growing up looking to there idols and that could be celebrities or family.
The method of research to obtain the data will be done via a questionnaire/ survey; open and closed questions will be used throughout to retain the relevant information. Within the research proposal young women between 18-25 were to be asked about social media, to gain a different perspective the survey was also presented to women over 30, seeing if social media has a bigger impact on younger women and if it is because they use it more or are more susceptive to what they are seeing.
Research Proposal
Aims of the