How Does Prefrontal Cortex Affect Early Adulthood

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Currently we are considered an adult when we turn 18; that is too young. Studies have shown that the part of your brain used to make decisions, consider consequences, and use common sense fully matures between the age of 20 to 25. Due to this fact, are minds are really adults until between the age 20 to 25. The age when you are considered an adult should be 21 because your prefrontal cortex is almost completely matured.
What exactly is the prefrontal cortex? The prefrontal cortex covers the front part of the frontal lobe. This is the section of the brain that is in charge of planning complicated cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and controlling social behavior. According to Matthew Dahlitz who wrote Prefrontal Cortex on says, “Executive function relates to abilities to differentiate among conflicting thoughts, determine good and bad, better and best, same and different, future consequences of current activities,
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The prefrontal cortex is in charge of our decision making; since a teenagers brain isn’t fully developed our decision making goes as far as instant gratification. So how can we trust 18-year-olds to make good life decisions when we can't think ahead? According to Gargi Talukder, who wrote Dicision-Making is Still a Work in Progress for Teenagers on , says “The results from the McLean study suggest that while adults can to use rational decision making processes when facing emotional decisions, adolescent brains are simply not yet equipped to think through things in the same way.” This explains why 18-year-olds make decisions that their mom wouldn’t do. As you can see teenagers are impulsive thanks to their brain, but how can they think ahead without their prefrontal cortex being equipped to do

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