For instance, many young girls and women imitate the behavior of celebrities and thin models from the media 's. This could be understood by Cooley’s concept of the looking glass self. It states that how a person creates its self- image through how others perceives us. For example, advertisements of thin celebrities and models shown on television reflect a woman’s ideal body image or perfect body in society. [Appendix 2] Sadly, “ the use of women as sexual objects in ads is normalized” (Gudekli & Celik 2014:6136). What they don’t know is that, mass media puts a lot of time to recruit thin models, and then more hours spent on Photoshop to edit them. Therefore, the women’s ideal image of “ perfect body” is manufactured and commercialized that anyone can attain it without much
For instance, many young girls and women imitate the behavior of celebrities and thin models from the media 's. This could be understood by Cooley’s concept of the looking glass self. It states that how a person creates its self- image through how others perceives us. For example, advertisements of thin celebrities and models shown on television reflect a woman’s ideal body image or perfect body in society. [Appendix 2] Sadly, “ the use of women as sexual objects in ads is normalized” (Gudekli & Celik 2014:6136). What they don’t know is that, mass media puts a lot of time to recruit thin models, and then more hours spent on Photoshop to edit them. Therefore, the women’s ideal image of “ perfect body” is manufactured and commercialized that anyone can attain it without much