How Does 9/11 Affect The Economy

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September, 11, 2001 4 planes coordinated a terrorist attack on the US in 3 different locations. Each location had many people their on a daily basis. When the attacks happened many people were at the locations when it happened. Causing lots of death and injuries to many people. It also caused lots of property damage that exceeded over 1 billion dollars.
On September 11th 2001 a terrorist group by the name of al-Qaeda. Hijacked 4 passenger planes and crashed them in different areas of the us. Two of these planes were crashed into the the World Trade Center in New York. One was crashed into the North tower and the other crashed in the South one. Collapsing both towers within hours. While the third plane crashed into the Pentagon in the Arlington,
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Causing 2,996 deaths to people and over 6,000 other people getting injured. And causing over 10 billion dollars of property and infrastructure damage. The fall of the trade center badly affected economy around manhattan and affected the global market. Which caused wall street to close until September 17. And all civilian airplanes in the US and Canada got shut down until september 13. The World Trade Center was not all cleaned up until may 2002. But the Pentagon was rebuilt within a year.
After the attacks there have been many memorials built to remember all the people who died. One of the most most known memorial is the one that is at the actual spot where the towers used to be. It contains two huge pools. With the original footprints of of the towers. With 30 foot tall waterfalls that go down the sides. Then around the perimeter there are engraved stones with name of the people who died because of the attacks.
The leader of the attacks was Osama bin Laden he was the one that planned the attacks. The reason why he had done them it was because he wanted to regain freedom for his nation.After the attacks there were many foundations set up to help those who had lost people in the attacks. Eventually on May 2nd 2011 an American special forces killed him in Abbottabad,

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