William Golding in his novel, “The Lord of The Flies” the story tells about a group of military boys who marooned on a deserted tropical island surrounded by an ocean. Their initial aim is to establish civilization. They realize that they must establish basic rules of coexistence and discipline, using as a model democracy, inheritance of society from which they came. The three main characters all represent different personalities and the effects they have on each other under various challenging circumstances. A dispute arises between two youth for leadership (Ralph and Jack), which causes them to be divided into groups.
Ralph, an all British, well built with charisma and the confidence …show more content…
Rejected by most people who were not as academically educated, they didn’t want to be around someone well educated. He wasn’t popular with anyone his age, overweight, with asthma, nor was he athletic. He isolated himself from the others which allowed him to remain sane and unchanged into savagery. Piggy was not allowed to go on the first expedition with Ralph, Simon and Jack to look around the island. “‘I’ll come’ Ralph turned to him. ‘Your’re no good on a job like this.’ ‘All the same-’ ‘We don’t want you.’ Said Jack, flatly ‘Three’s enough.’ Piggy’s glasses flashed ‘I was with him when he found the conch. I was with him before anyone else was.’ Jack and the others paid no attention.”’ (P20-21) Piggy like to be observant, learning from the actions of everyone else around him and this allowed him to see the outsider perspective. He could learn the hatred by being shown from of the Jack and the boys without experiencing the bloodlust that Ralph was …show more content…
It shows brutality of human people, free from the rules and structures of civilization also society. These boys struggled between the human instinct – the impulse to obey rules, to behave morally and act lawfully, to savage instinct, the impulse to seek power or control others, act selfishly, also to indulge in violence. Their experiences on an uninhabited island goes to show the evil of man’s nature. The different characters portrayed various types of people in our society today. Their true selves were revealed in the freedom from the law and regulations without adults. Jack’s inner demon was suppressed, but with no rules or adult supervision, he was free to do what he pleased and desired. Ralph had grown up used to the laws and regulations because his father was an officer in the war. He went through changes and challenges that were difficult for him to comprehend. He became confused and almost lost sight of independence. Ralph also had the experienced the bloodlust and savagery that drove the savages mad to its peak. Ralph struggled for democracy and a sense of order, he personality and obligation saved him from complete savagery. Two traits that helped keep Piggy alive and from becoming savagery. He was an outcast by his looks and his intelligence, until his timely death. He was made painfully aware of the injustice in the world.