Douglass was a strong supporter of the women’s right movement. Douglass was one of the few men present at the pioneer woman’s rights convention held in Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848. He did everything he could to get legal right for women, including the right to vote. At the convention, Douglass spoke to the audience about his life under slavery, and the audience responded powerfully to Douglass’s impressive physical presence and intellectual manner.
During the 19th Century If People see you with the black skin, they most likely to think that you’re worthless and don’t know how to do anything. If People see you with the white skin, then they probably think you have all the money in the world and you’re smarter than other people, just because you have light colored skin. Skin color is a color, a pigment, and everyone has a different one. I believe that people should not be judged by just looking at the color of their skin, they need to look at their skills, knowledge, and what they’re capable of …show more content…
No matter what color your skin is, what religion you practice, or what you have and don’t have. You are worth as much as the next person. And everyone’s important to at least one person in this world. Back in the 19th century, a majority of the white people didn’t want the black peoples to become educated like all other people in the society. Because white people were afraid that if the black people become the educated like they are, then they might take over their jobs and they might also get a higher position in the society than they have.
Douglass gave us a big example of how slaves were treated in his essay. He witnessed the horrifying story of Mary, a neighboring slave. He talks about this story because he wants to show the society, how master was treating their slaves. Slave owners provided slaves horrific conditions. Mary didn’t even get enough food to do all the hard works, and her master almost always beating her to death every day.
Their yearly clothing consisted of two coarse linen shirts, one pair of linen trousers, like the shirts, one pair of stockings, and one pair of shoes; the whole of which could not have cost more than seven dollars. When these (clothes) failed them, they went naked against the next allowance-day there were no bed given to the slaves. (Lynn