Milton Hershey first started having interest in chocolate making when he saw the German chocolate machinery that was in the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Soon after that he made his own candy business. This candy store was particular for caramels. The company was very successful. Milton Hershey was now rich. After a while Milton had a new idea, chocolate. He sold his caramel company for $1 million and switched over to making chocolates. He wanted to have a huge factory so he could make a lot of chocolate, so it would be very tasty, but affordable at
Milton Hershey first started having interest in chocolate making when he saw the German chocolate machinery that was in the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Soon after that he made his own candy business. This candy store was particular for caramels. The company was very successful. Milton Hershey was now rich. After a while Milton had a new idea, chocolate. He sold his caramel company for $1 million and switched over to making chocolates. He wanted to have a huge factory so he could make a lot of chocolate, so it would be very tasty, but affordable at