Luther influenced the Catholic Church and its followers, as well as politics portraying to the church. He was a reformer, a person who went against the church. He used his beliefs for good and questioned the church for their wrong decisions. For example, the church was selling indulgences for people who sinned. This meant people were paying money for their forgiveness from Christ. The church used this money to finance themselves, and for personal popularity, which did not look right for the …show more content…
He wrote all his disputes in the Ninety-Five Theses, which included the selling of indulgences and that the people didn’t need a priest to interpret the Bible in their own way. Luther wanted the people to have the opportunity to interpret the Bible by themselves, instead of needing a “priest” for example, to read it for them. Luther’s ideas began to spread and he began to gain followers, this weakened the Catholic Church. Martin Luther influenced and was mostly the cause of the Reformation. This is when the church began to break apart and when conflict arose.
After the intense reformation Luther’s cause slowly affected the Counter reformation, when the church realized their actions. Luther was an important figure because without his disputes no one would have put the Catholic Church back into the correct path. Martin Luther and some help from other reformers helped guide the people as well. People began to realized that what the church was doing was not