How Did Martin Luther A Good Influence

Improved Essays
Martin Luther

Martin Luther was a man that has changed many lives in his time made many people’s lives less stressful by writing 95 theses. Martin Luther was the one that changed the ways of the Catholic Church back in the Middle Ages, which is around the 1500’s.

Martin Luther was born into a copper mining family in 1483 in Saxony, Germany. Growing up people knew him as a bright child. In 1505 he received a Master of Arts Degree from the University of Erfurt. However, his father wanted him to become a lawyer so he sent Martin to study. Not many people were lawyers, but being a lawyer ment that you are a smart person because you would have learned how to read and write.

During the same year that Martin was studying, he was struck by lightning. He prayed to God saved Martin and dedicated his life to God by becoming a monk in Augustine Monastery and studied theology. In 1507, Martin was ordained a priest and carried on to study the Holy Bible. Martin feared God and was afraid that God would put him in hell for his
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The only time that people would need Indulgences is if their loved one passed away or if they have committed a sin. Indulgences helps those in Purgatory, which is a place between Heaven and Hell. Indulgences are confirmation that your loved one can go straight to heaven, despite the sins they have made. However, the real reason why they sold Indulgences was because they wanted to raise money to rebuild the St Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

Martin knew that all you needed was to have faith in God, but everyone else didn’t know because the church told people you must buy Indulgences in order for one’s sins to be forgiven. Martin hated these lies and wrote the 95 theses about what he dislikes about Indulgences and nailed them on the church door for the people of Germany to know. Someone read the 95 theses and printed many copies of the theses for everyone to read. This was during the time the printing press

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