America was build by men that were able to work hard and achieve their wealth. Rockefeller was able to make a massive amount of wealth due to the lack of barriers on how much he could accumulate and government regulations. The opportunity to become wealth has continued in the United States but it has become more difficult to achieve. The top 1 percent of the population in America own 34 percent of all privately held wealth in the United States in 2007 (Hurst 2013). Though the percentage of trying to move up the ladder of wealth is difficulty, it did become reachable due to the paved roads that the early entrepreneurs like Rockefeller have
America was build by men that were able to work hard and achieve their wealth. Rockefeller was able to make a massive amount of wealth due to the lack of barriers on how much he could accumulate and government regulations. The opportunity to become wealth has continued in the United States but it has become more difficult to achieve. The top 1 percent of the population in America own 34 percent of all privately held wealth in the United States in 2007 (Hurst 2013). Though the percentage of trying to move up the ladder of wealth is difficulty, it did become reachable due to the paved roads that the early entrepreneurs like Rockefeller have