Hitler created on of the first modern anti-smoking campaigns. One of Hitler’s indirect contributions was through findings of medical science as a result of the Holocaust. My opinions on Hitler are still negative. I still do not justify his killing of millions of innocent civilians. But despite this Hitler did contribute some positive things to the world. …show more content…
Without Hitler’s contributions we could know less about medical science. Our world would be so much different. Hitler’s contributions also shaped the map of our world. New countries were formed, and the United Nations was formed as a result of World War 2. Some of these things still affect our world today.
The things Hitler has contributed to our world, whether directly, or indirectly have changed our world. Our world has been chnaged forever due to Hitler’s contributions. If we were to take his contributions away, our world would be much different then what we know today. Hitler shaped the rest of the 20th Century. This is why I think Hitler is the most valuable person in