William J. Clinton once famously stated, “If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person. It’s how you handle adversity not how it affects you.” I find this quote to be very true based on my upbringings and experiences throughout junior year of college. As I sit here writing this essay…
Does adversity bring out the best in people? Throughout history there have been many people who have overcome many difficult adversities at the worst possible moments. Roman poet Horace claims that adversity brings out traits and qualities that wouldn't be seen otherwise. Everyone grows up in a different manner. In her narrative The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, her family including herself go through so many adversities.…
The quote,”Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant”-Horace. This quote is hard to understand unless you really look at and understand those words. To be honest, I had to google definition some of these words because I did not understand what they meant. Finding the definition of these words to understand this quote is definitely worthwhile. Not all people are going to want to google search these words so i’ll just explain what it means, adversity is the main word that makes up this quote, this word means to struggle or suffer.…
Whenever we live as normal human beings, we tend to set goals and accomplishments that we want to accomplish one day. We plan out a perfect and hardship free journey to get us right in front of our goal or accomplishment. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world. In any type of journey, we will encounter a certain type of adversity that will try to get us off track and give up on our goals or dreams. As I think about what Horace stated and refer to my thinking, I come to agree with Horace’s statement: “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.”…
This quote inspires me to endure any hardships I experience for two reasons: it reminds me that there could be more difficult events I could face, and that my reward for enduring it will be a meaningful life experience. Because everyone experiences hardships in life, I can look at this quote and be reassured that I am not the only one with a certain problem, but I am also convinced that many people live through more severe events and therefore I can definitely withstand whatever life may give me. When I look at this quote, I recall all my past troubles and, more importantly, what I learned from those. The quote is similar in message to the “hang in there!”…
People often retreat in the face of adversity. The problem with this is that adversity creates some of the biggest character building events you’ll ever face. The best way to build good character through adversity is by facing the challenge and not backing down. The way you face the adversity presented to you will change the way you think in the future just like how mistakes are the best teachers. Adversity challenges people everyday to make hard decisions and inevitably learn from the decisions they make.…
Everyone in the world faces adversities. These can be small or large challenges; they can be brought upon by others or from life itself. Anyone that is faced with adversities must overcome them in order to progress as a person. There are many that have overcome their adversities and progressed in their lives; a famous few are: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Yoshiko Uchida, and Caitlyn Jenner. Adversity can be found anywhere affecting anyone; adversity can be found in the white house affecting the President.…
According to this article the most common outcome of adversity was to thrive and succeed. Adversity brings out the best in most people. It contained a graph showing the result of thriving compared to the other outcomes (430 O’Leary). Thriving was relatively higher than all the rest. “Challenges provides the opportunity for change because it forces an individual to confront any personal priorities and to reexamine their sense of self” (O’Leary).…
Adversity isn’t a word I became familiar with until I realized how different my life was from my peers. Since preschool I attended a private catholic school. Most of my classmates grew up much wealthier than I was, however this never really bothered me. I may have had less money, my grandparents may have had to help pay for my tuition, and I even struggled with severe anxiety, depression, and testing anxiety, yet I wouldn’t say that is where my adversity is derived from. My hardships and difficulties in life come from the lack of stability at home.…
To conclude, no matter how situations turn out, if a person perseveres through times of hardship and comes out with something more than what they went in with, then they added to their character. Horace is right in asserting that adversity brings about new talents in new forms which then add to a person’s character. Adversity usually has a negative connotation under the definition of misfortune, hardship, etc., but its effects on work ethic and aspiration for change positively affect the type of skills and talents a person acquires, (re)discovers, and…
“When you face difficult times, know that challenges are not sent to destroy you. They are sent to promote, increase and strengthen you.” Every day, each individual faces both obstacles and conflicts in every aspect of life. How individuals deal with these events influences who they become and their identities. How others see people handle their obstacles and conflicts impacts their own identities and question their morals.…
Some rise to the challenge adversity places on them, becoming more sure of themselves than ever before. Others fall victim, losing parts of themselves that they used to consider an integral part of their identity. Many face adversity as a mixture of both losing parts of themselves and creating even stronger values. Adversity is the foundation…
I do agree with the quote “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny”, because I can really relate to this. I can give examples of how “hardships can bring an extraordinary destiny.” I’ve been on the internet a lot lately, and I’ve been asking other artists for tips on how to improve in my drawing. They said some very encouraging and motivational things. The things they said for example was “Practice and practice, you’ll see where that leads you!”…
“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.” Horace is telling us that, with difficulties has the effect to draw out from someone a reaction to one’s natural abilities or skills, in flourishing financially relevant to an event past would have lie in a deep sleep. This quote, that horace stated, is inspiring because he is telling us as not a reader, but as a person. That making, who you want to be, is your decision nobody else's. It's your character you're in command.…
Adversity has countless forms, as such, each person’s experiences and opinions regarding adversity are different. The Merriam-webster definition for adversity is “a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune”. Regarding this definition, we can interpret adversities create an intense, negative emotional response. We become angry, embarrassed, humiliated, depressed but if we utilize these emotions to overcome our individual tribulations (as Benjamin Franklin once said, “out of adversity comes opportunity”) we gain new opportunities and a better understanding of ourselves as well as our abilities/proficiencies.…