Many of the animals Lewis and Clark discovered can be identified by most American’s today. The animals that Lewis and Clark came across were beneficial not only to expanding the knowledge of the time, but to our common knowledge of the world today. For Lewis and Clark, they discovered certain plants and animals to provide food and also for clothing purposes. Animals such as buffalo, catfish, white tailed deer, red fox, elk and much more, were exposed on their expedition “NebraskaStudies.Org”. According to, certain plants were discovered such as; bare grass, sweet grass, yucca, and wild ginger. These discoveries were an impact on the United States by opening the doors for studying the different aspects of animals and their vegetation involvement. Along the Lewis and Clark expedition, they not only discovered many new plants and animals, but they also came across new tribes, territories, and
Many of the animals Lewis and Clark discovered can be identified by most American’s today. The animals that Lewis and Clark came across were beneficial not only to expanding the knowledge of the time, but to our common knowledge of the world today. For Lewis and Clark, they discovered certain plants and animals to provide food and also for clothing purposes. Animals such as buffalo, catfish, white tailed deer, red fox, elk and much more, were exposed on their expedition “NebraskaStudies.Org”. According to, certain plants were discovered such as; bare grass, sweet grass, yucca, and wild ginger. These discoveries were an impact on the United States by opening the doors for studying the different aspects of animals and their vegetation involvement. Along the Lewis and Clark expedition, they not only discovered many new plants and animals, but they also came across new tribes, territories, and